Chubb Safe is designed to offer burglar and fire protection for cash and valuables. The Chubb safe was carefully researched and developed with the design emphasis placed on developing a safe that was resistant to more sophisticated burglar and that suited an environment that was moderately exposed to the possibility of burglary attacks.
Our Burglary and fire resistant safes offer the best line of defense against theft. TL-15 and TL-30 models are constructed to resist burglar tool attempts.Our UL rated burglary-resistant safes meet specific weight, material, lock and wall thickness guidelines. UL ratings are also based on the time and tools it takes a safe expert to break into the safe.
For high-end value that meets most security guidelines, a composite TL-30X6 is the perfect balance between security, fire protection, and styling. TRTL-15X6 andTRTL-30X6 are the world’s standard safes for specific and special security guidelines.